For the next several weeks I'll be posting reading notes on: Bahnsen, Dr. Greg L., Always Ready – Directions for Defending the Faith (Covenant Media Foundation: Texarkana, Arkansas, 1996) These were made to help one of my sons for an apologetics course at Providence Reformed Collegiate. This will probably make this a popular site for some of his fellow students! If you want these notes as a Word document, let me know, and I'll email them to you!
Section One:
The Lordship of Christ in the Realm of Knowledge
Chapter 1: The Robbery of Neutrality
Today you often hear a plea that Christians need to be neutral in their thinking in a number of different areas.
q Scripture – People claim that we should not bring in scriptural notions into their scholar work in other areas. They ask: Is it really necessary to hold to the teachings of the Bible if you are to understand properly the War of 1812, the chemical composition of water, etc?
q Apologetics – Some claim we must have a neutral mind if we are to be open to the perspectives of others.
q Education – Others plea for neutrality in regards to education. They claim that a Christian perspective shouldn’t change the ‘facts’ so public schools can teach that as well as
However, neutrality in thinking would makes Christians impotent in their witness, aimless in their walk, and disarmed in the battle with the principalities and powers of this world and further, it would prevent sanctification in the Christian life. God’s Word demands unreserved allegiance to God and his truth in all our thought and scholarly endeavors. (Student’s memory cue – witnessing walk in the battle of sanctification)
A key text is Colossians 2:3-8 where Paul notes that All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ. Note he states that all wisdom and knowledge are in Christ! Every academic pursuit and thought must be related to Jesus Christ! To put aside your Christian commitment when it comes to defending the faith or sending your children to school is willfully to steer away from the only path of wisdom and truth found in Christ! The beginning of knowledge is to fear God – not the end or middle! (Proverbs 1:7;
Paul, in Colossians 2, declares that all knowledge must be related to Christ. This means that neutrality is impossible in our thinking about every subject area! Therefore we must be radically and unashamedly be committed to Christ in all our thinking. To allow anything else is to let secular humanism rob you by means of philosophy and vain deceit. (Colossians 2:8)
Are you rich in knowledge because of your commitment to Christ in, scholarship, apologetics, and schooling, or have you been robbed by the demands of neutrality?
Key texts: Colossians 2:3-8; Proverbs 1:7;
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